Logbook entry

To New Horizons 2

28 Nov 2022Cafune
So, I'm in Colonia. Hooray! And it's all thanks to the crew of the fleet carrier that brought me here. Thanks, Christoph 31!

The view that greeted me as I was taking my ship off the carrier's landing pad was an unforgettable one. The blackness of the void was dotted with the brightest stars, as if encrusted with diamonds of the highest grade. It literally was "full of stars" -- just like the astronaut has said in that old Terran movie. On one side an amazing view lay before me -- a giant gauze-like cloud, shimmering with the prettiest colors. On the other size lay what I assume was the galactic core -- a huge cluster of many bright stars. If anything, this is the one reason to visit Colonia, 'cause I doubt you'll ever see anything like that in the Bubble. Can't wait to see what else it has in store.

Technically, I'm in Tir -- a system adjacent to Colonia. It's very active, and for a good reason -- literally all planets in this binary star system are high metal content worlds, waiting to be developed and terraformed. I myself have already visited most of them -- made the surface maps and took genome samples from local lifeforms.

I'm writing this logbook entry in the Concourse of starport Bolden's Enterprise. Thankfully, I've been able to secure myself a medical check-up appointment this time. Hope the doc will know what's up with me, 'cause these headaches are kind of getting on my nerves already.

For now, signing off.
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