Logbook entry

The good thing about being at the end of the world is when you look back, you can see the whole of it.

27 Jun 2022Raugharr
LOGBOOK UPDATE 3308-06-28 01:50 UTC

It's been a month since we left the galaxy. Quite literally! A few quiet weeks spent in absolute darkness. You know, it is peaceful around here. The tumult of civilization does not reach over here. There are no tasks to do, no jobs to look out for, no conflict to pay attention to. One can simply exist for a while and do whatever. And that is exactly what we did. Flew a lightyear north of Ishum's Reach into the intergalactic void. The ship has never felt so alive! The Angel springs to 2000c at the flick of the throttle. Flying in supercruise has never been so smooth, now that we are outside of the gravitic influence of massive bodies. All of the bodies, mind you - there are no more stars to jump to, no more planets to land on. Only the infathomable emptiness lies ahead.

How strange it is, the universe ahead of us is practically infinite, yet it could end 10 meters ahead of the bow and it wouldn't make a difference. Distance, speed and time loses meaning out here. It really puts one into perspective - or is it space madness that is settling in? All I know is that the journey was worth it, and it is a phenomenal feeling. The good thing about being at the end of the world is when you look back, you can see the whole of it.

I wasn't alone out here though. I met none other than the legendary explorer himself, Commander Victor acae Romanov. I invited the mad man over to sample the fine gin I brought here from Hutton Orbital - the place I consider the other end of the world. Lacking any docking facilities he had to land on the deck of the Angel and EVA over! He then pushed ahead to Ishum's Reach while I enjoyed standing (and landing) on a manufactured surface again. It's been more than 60000 lightyears since our last docking. After a few essential repairs at Beagle Point, we followed the lonely little Sidewinder to the last star known to mankind. The paintjob stayed as it was, of course. We landed at Salomé's Reach, and planted the Hierarchy's flag there. May our borders reach up to this point and beyond in the future! Not gonna lie, it was a humbling experience walking where history was written.

Talking about the Hierarchy, I received word about our victory back at Tatil. Despite the influence of outside malefactors, our organization won the promised election fair and square. But the work on securing the system only just begun. The Primarch needs all hands working for our purpose, and I belive that includes us too. I sent a subspace message back to Roddenberry Dock to prepare the Thunder for conflict. In fact I am standing on the bow of the Angel, talking to my wristband computer a minute after receiving confirmation. I can still see the tiny bright dot that is my Hutton Mug I chucked into the void before the transmission. I can say that it served its purpose. The journey will be long, perilous maybe, but we are ready. I can feel the the ship powering up, as if she was just as excited to go as I am. I am so proud of my ship! Being able to complete such a trip is a feat in on itself. Of course we gonna make a few detours to catch unique, otherworldly sights, but from now on, every jump we make will take us closer to the Bubble.

It is time to go home.


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