Logbook entry

The Beginnning: Or How I decided to look back and figure out how I got here.

17 Jan 2022Utmouse08
So...I keep getting asked this a lot, and sometimes, I have to wonder myself. You see, nothing ever goes the way we think, and honestly that usually makes for one of the following:
1) Better Stories
2) Better Friends
3) Lessons Learned
4) Better Endings
Now, while my story is nowhere near ended, I do think its worth looking back and reflecting on just who the ever loving god or goddess decided to put me here, on this path, with this long ass road behind me, and an even longer one ahead of me. So, as a great Terran writer once said, “'Begin at the beginning,' the King said gravely, 'and go on till you come to the end: then stop.'” And that's just what I'll do.

In the beginning God decided he was a right asshole, and he wanted to watch the 'verse blow up. But he didn't want to do it himself, so, he invented us, some ass backwards bipedal creature who would one day figure out how to make God un-exist, and he was pleased. Okay, enough pontification, you don't really care about my political or religious views anyway, and honestly, if I went over the whole "History of the World Part 1 and 2" I'd end up stealing half my jokes from Mel Brooks and Monty Python.
Wait, you do know who Mel Brooks and Monty Python are? Don't you? Okay, go look them up, they're 21st Century comedians. Back with me? Okay, good. Or maybe not. I don't know, you're the one reading this. So what do I care if you're still going or not. Anyway, back to my story.
So, where do we begin. Well, I was born a while back, about 40 cycles/years/sol-years ago on a backwater little planet called Earth. You might of heard of it, Sol? Yeah, home of the Federation, birthplace of humanity, all that jazz. My pops was a engineer for one of the corps down planet side, worked on computer systems and electronic control systems. My mom was a teacher of the kiddos in the neighborhood, mostly Federation brats who were stuck Earthside or had parents serving back on Mars. You know the type. Well, me and my sister grew up around that. I had a nose for ships, you see, our next door neighbor, well, he was a Star Jockey, one of those independent types who would randomly go off for months at a time and come back with money to burn and women to burn it on, but he was a teddybear at heart. Anyway, it was his Cobra Mk3 that I fell in love with when I was 13. Couldn't get enough. Started looking into ships and ship design, couldn't help myself. Asked my pops for advice, and he about fell out of his chair. We decided then and there to start focusing on what I COULD do instead of what I was expected to do. I applied myself to my studies, got high marks in physics, avionics, calculus, geometry etc. etc. you know, the nerdy subjects. Anyway, when I graduated, I got insane scholarship offers from all over the local verse, and ended up going to school to get my degree in AstroEngineering and Engine Dynamics and Design (yes I can explain how the FSD works, no dont ask me to, I'd end up boring you to tears, and no I won't do repairs for your fucked up Lakon, take that shit to someone who gives a damn). Anywho, after 6 years of degrees and advanced degrees, I decided to go work for one of the major corps. And I'll continue my story then.

Until then,
Fly Safe and Stay Sane
Mouse, the Engineer.
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