Logbook entry

The Reason: Or Who Am I and Why am I doing this

22 Jan 2022Utmouse08
Today is not a good day. I damaged my ship on planetary entry. I've been drinking. So if this is disjointed, well, the docs can explain why later.
Let me first get this off my chest.
This, my dear logbook, is medically sanctioned and required for me to do based on the reasons of "keeping sane" and "understanding the past so to improve the present and embrace the future" and a whole bunch of other mumbo-jumbo the quacks back at Andel keep telling me.
I guess I should log some things about myself and why I'm doing this.
I said in my last post that I would talk about my time in the college and corporate grind.
I guess you could say that's where a lot of things start to unravel for me.
About myself. Well I'm called Mouse. You can probably deduce why. 153 cm. Also my name rhymes with it. So I'd hear a lot "Hey Ms. Mouse, why don't you squeak?" or "Hey Ms. Mouse, why don't you crawl into your hidey hole" etc. Military brat kids suck, school was a lot of teasing and other forms of punishment, but I was learning everything I could. I would also periodically get in the space sims and practice my piloting as much as I could. It was my form of escape. I especially loved piloting Lakon Spaceways ships. They've got this sorta "solid" quality to them that I've always found endearing and enjoyable.
That covers height and name. Build: thin. Hair: Red. Eyes: One natural (green) one mechanical (I don't even know what color to call it). Measurements: Mind your own damn business. IQ: Way smarter than you. (fine fine, its 200 something, I haven't been tested in a while and I'm sure the alcohol out here has killed off some of the dead weight of brain cells).
School. I went to Universal Tech on Mars, hence the UT in my name. Figured it fits. Its also where I got my first real taste of ship's engineering and design. Tried to get a gig with Lakon, but they weren't hiring at the time, so I ended up at some back-woods division of Core Dynamics (not a bad gig per-say, taught me the ropes, found out the Core guys know how to build a decent rig, even if it is a bit utilitarian. Met a few people who tried to sell me on a gig to become their permanent ship's. They were a good bunch of mercs. Always came by our docks for repairs to their Federal Gunship and Federal Drop Ship. They were probably part of one of the faction's Authority branches, but I never asked questions and they never really volunteered (I wonder how they're doing...and if they ever figured out that I gave them 40% fuel efficiency on their thrusters and FSD). I was naive back then. But I took the job, it sounded exciting. A few months later, they talked me into getting my Pilot's Federation accreditation so I could fly their ships for them.
I did.
And it didn't go well from there. I got addicted to ships. I was always looking at tweaking or designing my next one. Like I said in my last logbook entry, I'm a persistent tinkerer. Once I got the bug in me, my career with the mercs was short lived.
I think thats enough for today. I'm tired of thinking back, and to be honest, I'm just tired of thinking.
I'm going to finish the rest of this bottle of Hutton Orbital Gin. I'm going to use another bottle to clean the thrusters fuel system and re-work the powerplant to ensure I can limp back to the FC I'm temporarily based out of.
But thats more stories for another time.

Until then,
Fly Safe and Stay Sane
Mouse, the Engineer.
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