Logbook entry

Late to the Party

06 Jan 2022Aurora Bael
Ever get the feeling you showed up late to the party and all the other guests are already drunk as hell there is no way in the eternal Black you can reasonably catch up now?

That's what it was like for me when the Pilot's Federation finally accepted my application last month. And again when, at a bar in Diaguandri's Ray Gateway, another Commander told me it's customary to keep a log. The hell do I know about writing? It feels like yesterday I was still killing human beings and stealing data for money three, maybe five days a week. (Don't worry, future me, they all deserved it.) Now I'm supposed to keep a diary, too? Alright, fine. I'll play. So... Let's see, what do I put in this thing?

Speaking of Ray, I think it's time to start calling somewhere "home" again, and that place seems as good as any. Plenty of good gear, near the edge of the Bubble, my 'boss' owns it... Ha! Fuck, I have a boss. I swore I wouldn't let that happen again, didn't I? I tell myself it's just for the money and the tech he can offer. And the fact that Mahon's in bed with him, too makes it feel less...greasy? Less like I'm selling myself and more like I'm selling what I can do.

Alright, let's talk money. My biggest money maker right now is literally just flying around, mapping systems, and selling the data to whoever is buying. Not to mention that sweet, sweet Vista Genomics money I've been taking in ever since I got the sampler. Found a planet with 7 coherent bio-signs on it in Jameson's Demise (HIP 12099) and found 6 of 'em before I gave up. Three days chasing down one lousy mushroom is too long. It starts out fun and ends up exhausting and the payday isn't worth it. But that's a lie, actually. My biggest moneymaker was that Winking-Cat Robin-Hood shit. I even jumped in my free Vulture and performed a coup-de-gras on a fascist general for old time's sake. I'm trying not to get used to having over a hundred million creds though. Not until I can start mining in a big way to maintain that wealth. Even bought myself a Keelback so I could go mining in something other than that shitty little Cobra. Don't get me wrong, it's a fine ship, it's just... Absolutely not for me. I spent so much time riding shotgun in my Sergeant's Mk IV I'm sick to death of them. It was a good steppingstone to get to my DBX, though. Damn, Lakon makes good shit. I call her Bradbury. You know, after the guy who wrote the Martian Chronicles? I know ancient space fiction never really seems to get anything right but finding that book in Mistress's library and reading it was probably the first time I ever realized I wasn't where I wanted to be. I needed to get out to the Black. There's no greater joy than being dozens of light-years from anything human. Just you, an engine, and a glorified fishbowl. It's perfect...

Raided some ruins I heard about out in Synufe PX-J C25-8 and by the time I was done turning the lights on, I managed to download a blueprint to some kind of device. My local Tech broker told me it was an FSD booster made by the last civilization that made the Thargoids think twice. So, naturally I had it installed and holy shit, wait until I show Felicity this thing. ...Eh, knowing her, she's seen it. But it'll give us some small talk to share while she's tweaking my drive and thrusters.

So here I am, on my way to Deciat to see her, parked on a weird green-colored ice moon in who-the-hell cares where, pulling my hair out trying to find a fucking microbe. I really gotta set a time limit on bio-hunting or I'll never get anywhere. Which would be bad, because I have a short expedition planned to Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Rigel, and all the other stars of Orion on my way through the Orion nebula and out the other side of Barnard's Loop. Even temporarily renamed The Bradbury "Orion Express" I'm so excited for it! Far-point on this run is only about 1200 ly from the Bubble. It's not meant to be a long trip per se. Just a proof of concept. Stretch out her legs and make sure she's deep-space-worthy before I start making bigger moves and diving deeper.

Anyway, I'll wrap this one up. Future entries aren't likely to be this long; had to catch up to myself, after all. I'll be back to brag about how fast "Orion" is after Farseer Inc. has had its way with her.

Till then,

- Rory Bael
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