Logbook entry


07 Jan 2022Aurora Bael
Shitshitshit FUCK

Gold rush in progress on Alcor for the Colonia Highway project. And since I've always wanted to move out there permanently once I made my fortune, I can't not jump on it. Felicity is gonna have to wait a week. So is Sirius... And the Orion trip. FUCK! So much for finally stretching those space legs. I should know better than to make "plans" at this point in my life.

So, ironically, here's the "plan".

  1. Buy the biggest box store with rockets I can possibly afford. Right now it's looking like a Type-9, but I might go cheap on a Type-7.
  2. Fill that bastard up with Refrigerators and circuit boards until it cries out in pain and sell it high to them what need it.
  3. Repeat at least 5, maybe 10 times, not even stopping to honk, just booking it as fast as those underpowered thrusters can carry me.

If I drop the 100mil on the Type 9, Runs 5+ are all profit. If I go with the Type-7, it'll pay for itself in two runs, but the profit rate after that won't be nearly as large. And to be honest, I'm not even really doing it for the money. I'm doing it for the giveaway. Word is that everyone who delivers more than 1000 tons or so gets three free double-customized FSD's.

Christ, I sound like a capitalist. The hell am I doing this for? I can wait till those toys hit the general market and just buy them with labor like everyone else. Do I really want to just throw commerce at it and rake in the credits, twirling my mustache like Snidely Whiplash while I high-step out of the bank with a sack over my shoulder giggling "nyeh heh heh!" As I skip merrily from system to system cleaning their stock out? Are my principles that close to dead that after a few years on my own? I can just sweep them aside in the name of fat stacks of cash?

How long until I fill a hold up with human beings to sell?

This is exactly what I was worried about. Money changes people. It's already changing me. Where I was scraping together pennies just a week and a half ago, now I'm dropping more money than God on fancy toys and tools to make more money to buy fancier ones. The way things are going, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if I went Federal. Or even Imperial! Fuck... I started doing this pilot thing because I wanted Freedom. Now it seems what I'm about to trip into is a quest for power. Watch all my nobler aspirations circle the drain one by oneuntil only the lust for gold remains. 24 hours ago I was making conscious decisions to stay small. Today I'm clearly after the big time in a big way. Swear to God, if the PF alerts me that I went Elite via commerce before travel (or hell, even combat!) then I'm going to take a long walk out a short airlock.

Who am I kidding; no I won't. But I might have cause to give half my net worth away to other anarchists and communists if only to keep myself honest. It's rough going out there. If I can make it big, I had better goddamn well bring some people up with me. Reckon it's the least I can do.

Anyway, I've gotta go do some math and make a buy. I'll write up an action report before bed.

See you, Space Cowboy.

- Rory
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