Logbook entry

Thanks, I hate it.

07 Jan 2022Aurora Bael

So this is what avarice looks like. Huh... I kinda like it. And that's disturbing.

The run was hard, but all told, there's something undeniably intoxicating about spending 100 million credits, and then making it back, plus another 20, in the space of a single day. It's doing things to my brain. Things I don't like.

I purchased Mammon with the idea that she'd be a little sluggish. I was half right. There's nothing at all "little" about her. She takes half an astronomical unit to turn around. One of her primary thrust cones is three times the size of my first bedroom. After damn near wasting myself in the mailslot of the ship-yard on the way out, and catching fines because I took thirty seconds too long doing it, I left the docking computer firmly in the "on" position for the rest of the trip. This thing flies like a dead horse. I mean, it is bad, ok? But after sitting behind the stick for a few hours, finding her rhythm, I swore there were moments she felt... graceful.

Yes, this wide ASS

Felt graceful...


First thing I did after buying her was load the hold up on refrigerator parts. 784 Tonnes of them. Prices are starting to go up everywhere, so the farther away, the better, right? But holy hell, I had forgotten how big the bubble feels when you can only jump 10-15 ly at a time. And I didn't just do it once. I did it six fucking times... Is this why most people never leave, I wonder? Anyway, I didn't get a picture for obvious reasons but apparently I got caught in the tail end of a neutron jet and damn near cooked myself alive just outside Alcor. Another time, unable to pull up hard enough, I fried some hull in the upper corona of an F-Type star on my way to jump out.


... It's weirdly pretty. Like a block of apartments with wings. And if you lean into the gravity well just right, she can almost dance.

See, there I go again. This is what's bothering me. There is no logical reason to enjoy the act of piloting this ship. But I learned to, anyway. Probably because it allowed me to more than DOUBLE my net worth in a day. I have done it. I have successfully seized the means of production. Pack it up, fellas, revolution's over.

Oh... Right. I'm still orders of magnitude away from property like that.

But if I can make 120 million in a day...

Fuck. See? This is the problem. What happened to the Orion trip? How in hell am I going to get out to Sag A* if I'm too busy conquering markets and tinkering with Bradbury to even manage jumping 1000 light years out? When I was poor I had a purpose. A mission. A need to go out and touch the stars. Now I'm so obsessed with maintaining wealth already after ONE day playing with it that I'm considering a whole new life-path. To think I tried to justify this with access to a measly little FSD. Nah, as soon as I started crunching numbers it stopped being about that and started being about THIS.

Things. Objects. Stuff. Money. Access. Power. I moved so much weight in this monument to greed that a group of people I didn't know this morning are tonight considering me the best of friends. And if I wanted to, I could keep this rolling for weeks.

...I don't want a logbook about moving heavy things from one place to another. I want a logbook full of shit no one has ever seen before.

Thanks, Mammon. I hate it.

- Rory
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