Logbook entry

Interlude: The Call

19 Jan 2022Aurora Bael

Call: Harkness, Robert
Initializing com-link
Com-Link Established
::Rory? Holy shit. How'd you get this frequency?
>>Nice to see you too, Bob.
::Sorry it's just... Surprising. I thought you were done with us after... Everything that happened.
>>Me too. Maybe I still am, I don't know.
::Right. Right. So what can I do for you?
>>You and Williams still working?
::When we can, why?
>>I um... I was thinking maybe after I get back we could do a job or two.
::Rory, this is an open channel.
>>The fuck do you care? You're licensed.
::You're not.
>>I'm a Commander now.
::Oh, well when you put it like that, absolutely not.
>>Are you being serious right now?
::Hahaaa! Relax, Rory, you make it too easy. What brought this on?
>>Space madness? I don't know. I did some light salvage at a wreck out in the black. It was fun. I miss all the trigger time.
::You're sure you're okay with it? No disrespect, you been through it this past couple years. I don't want to bring you in if you're trying to make good.
>>Yes. No. Maybe, I don't know. Fuck.
::Where are you right now, anyway?
>>Alnitak 8DA. Like, eleven-hundred lightyears east of the bubble?
::And you chose now to call me about it?
>>It's been on my mind a minute, yeah.
::...Are you drunk?
>>What? No! I ran out of booze days ago when-- It's a long story. But no, I'm sober.
::It's just you were pretty clear about never wanting to do this again.
>>Spare me. We doing this or what?
::...Okay. I tell you what, you're going to be out there for what, another few weeks?
::Great. Take your time. Shoot down some more robots or something. If you still want it next month, we'll get together for a beer or something.
>>Seriously? A Beer? What the fuck, Bob?
::I said we'll work with you if you still want it then. That's not a no. It's a "wait and see". If you come back even for one, I want you with that one all the way, or not at all. This "maybe, I don't know" shit is no good for workplace safety.
>>When I show up--
::IF you show up.
>>Fine, IF I show up, I'm coming to party.
::Good, but I need you to know I think this is a bad idea.
>>I'm a big girl, I can handle myself.
::I don't think it's a bad idea for the team. I think it's a bad idea for YOU.
>>I said I got it.
::... Alright. If you become sure, give us a call next month and we'll dig something up.
>>Thanks, Bob.
::Don't thank me yet. Talk to you soon?
>>Yeah... Yeah, either way I'll call you.
::Cool. Take it easy out there, okay?
>>I will. You, too.
Com-link terminated.
Would you like to make another call?
Call: quit
Thank you, goodbye!

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