Logbook entry

Interlude: Haste Makes Waste

23 Mar 2022Aurora Bael

Initializing com-link
Com-Link Established

>> Hello?
:: White Knight to Queen's Rook 5
>> Black Rook to King's Knight 1
:: Excellent. How are you holding up, Aurora?
>> Rory, please. And I'm okay. Fucking took you long enough to call.
:: We had to be sure you could join up successfully first. What do you have for us?
>> Mostly what you heard on Galnet. Feds are spooked about Hudson's contravention enough that they're calling in reserves and volunteers to do basic LEO shit.
:: Is the Navy standing with him?
>> Officially, the Navy stands behind its CIC. Unofficially, at least half of the Reserve will fall in with Winters and the standing Navy is experiencing something of a leadership crisis. There's a lot of Brass who don't like this extra step toward fascism, but at least two admirals have circulated private memos that their chain of command will support Hudson or face courtmarshall. That's about 75 thousand ships.
:: That matches our projections well enough, thank you. How about Hudson's power base? His pledges.
>> There's a general feeling of readiness. A lot of these guys are worried about what will happen to the Federation's seat at the table for Anti-Xeno action if he loses or otherwise yields to the term limit. They're ready for a fight.
:: And the territory?
>> Everywhere he can expand right now is going to cost more to take and maintain than it will net in returns, but there are some that give good standing to intrude into Mahon or Winters space. I'll attach the details...now.
:: Excellent work, Commander. I see why Mr. Harkness speaks so highly of you.
>> Yeah yeah great, listen... There are several systems where I'm likely to be called to fight more ADF pilots. I'm... I'm going to be expected to win.
:: We understand. I'm more concerned about this pilot you hired.
>> Barrett? Pfff! Oh my God, he's harmless. Like literally, his combat rating is Harmless.
:: So was yours when we recruited you. Have you checked him out?
>> Yeah, he's a courier out of LHS 2887. Had to sell most of his fleet to clear a bad debt last year. I think he still owns a Type 6 or an Adder or something.
:: You're sure he isn't working for Federal Intelligence?
>> Ha! With his nerves he'd make a pretty shitty spy.
:: What if he didn't know he was working with them?
>> ...what like a sleeper?
:: He wouldn't be the first we've encountered.
>> Well, you don't fake nerves like that. They'd have to wipe a lot of memory to make...hm...
:: ...well? To make what?
>> Nothing, just... Something that happened a few weeks ago. Point is, to make him sweat like he did in my cockpit yesterday, they'd have to wipe most—if not all—of his combat experience. I haven't seen anything out of him to suggest he's hiding from anyone, much less himself.
:: Could you get a cortical scan without his notice?
>> I mean, I have one on file from our last bounty session. Let me send that over.
:: Thank you.
>> Also, just a heads up, I'm going to be on an expedition for a few months starting in April.
:: We're well aware. That expedition should proceed as planned. Our sciences division would be very interested in whatever data you can provide, cartographic or otherwise. Provided we still need more intelligence on Hudson and his plans before the election, you'll resume your post in his organization when you return.
>> Understood. It just... Feels like a long time to have my name connected to this bastard. I might develop a reputation.
:: That is indeed one of the risks of this line of work. Rest assured at least that you will have a place with us.
>> Very reassuring...
:: My job isn't to reassure you, Ms. Bael, it's to collect information. Speaking of which, we received the file but... You sent us your scan by mistake. I'll need one of Mr. Barrett's please.
>> Wow, Jesus. How'd that happen? Alright, this should be it.
:: Thank you. And... we have it.
>> Will there be anything else?
:: We'll let you know. Good luck out there.
>> You too.

Com-link terminated.
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