01 Jul 2023Shuwar
The Horsehead Short Expedition [30.06 - 04.07 3309]- 1 week, 318 jumps, 11,5k Ly
- Visited: GCRV 4981 (Black hole close to Sol), Rigel, Orion Nebula Tourist Centre, Altered Hortensia
- Mysterious discoveries:
- The Proteus Site (Guardians-Thargoids battleground)
- Thargoid Barnacle (Strange organic structure making strange sound)
- Nebulas: Witch Head Nebula, The Orion Nebula, Running Man Nebula, Flame Nebula, The Horsehead Nebula
Kepler's Crest Expedition [24.04 - 16.06 3309]
- 2 months, 1400 jumps, 110k Ly
- First 1,2k Ly traveled on ENEX squadron FC
- Visited: Amundsen's Star, Sepositus Beacon, Lone Runner
Sagittarius A* Expedition [29.01 - 24.02-3308]
- 1 month, 750 jumps, 78,7k Ly
- Visited: Colonia, Sagittarius A*