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The Empire Strikes Back: A Show of Strength Against the Thargoids

20 Dec 2022Pankratiy Lev
Well well well, look what we have here. An article about the oh-so-mighty Empire, finally feeling the heat from those nasty Thargoids. Apparently, the fear of invasion has brought the plebs to the streets, staging protests outside the Imperial Palace on the homeworld Capitol. And who would've thunk it, the Empire isn't immune to public unrest? Color me shocked.

But, of course, their beloved Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval steps in, making a grand entrance down the palace steps and delivering a speech that turns the entire demonstration into a lovefest for the Empire. Because, let's be real, the Empire can do no wrong in the eyes of its brainwashed citizens.

Contrast this with the Federation's leadership - or lack thereof. As the Thargoids continue their rampage, the Federation can barely protect its own citizens, let alone those in independent systems. And yet, the Empire can rally its people with a single speech? Unbelievable.

I may have a strong disdain for the Empire and all that it represents, but I can't deny the effectiveness of their response to the Thargoid threat. It's a stark reminder of just how much more competent they are compared to the bumbling Federation.
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