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The Smirk-Worthy Truth about the Federation's Law and Order

09 Jan 2023Pankratiy Lev
I don't often come across news that makes me smirk, but today I had the pleasure of reading about the overturning of Admiral Tanner's court martial. It seems that justice has finally been served, albeit belatedly. I can only imagine the pained expressions of the officials who sentenced the man to begin with.

Admiral Tanner's claims about the anti-xeno superweapons and the Thargoids were accurate, which makes it all the more amusing to see him cleared of all charges.
It's about time someone put the screws to the so-called "law and order" that the Federation touts so highly. It's a sham, nothing but a tool used by the powerful to maintain their control over the masses.

But now that the truth is out, the Federation is trying to make amends. They're trying to use him to their advantage, to show that they're not afraid to admit their mistakes. But I know better. I know that this is just a smokescreen, a ploy to maintain their image as a just and lawful entity.

I'm a criminal, and I've broken more laws than I care to admit. But even I have a code of honor. I don't like to see injustice, especially when it's being carried out by those who are supposed to uphold the law. This pardon of Tanner is just another example of the hypocrisy that runs rampant in this galaxy.
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