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Thargoids Ravage the Galaxy: Humanity Holds Its Breath

20 Jan 2023Pankratiy Lev
Well, it's official. The Thargoids have taken over the galaxy and we're all just floating along for the ride. I read a report by this Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica, and I've got to say, she's got the facts straight, but she's missing the real story.

This war against the Thargoids is far from over. They've killed billions and caused the biggest refugee crisis in history. And yet, people still believe we can win this thing. Ha! It's a losing battle if you ask me. But I'll give them credit where credit's due. The military response has been impressive. Federal, Imperial, and Allied ships fighting against the Thargoids, and even the rogue pilots are jumping in to lend a hand.

But all the fighting in the world won't make a difference if we can't find a way to neutralize the Maelstroms. These Thargoid warships are the real problem, and our weapons are useless against them. And what's worse, some scientists are looking to the Guardians for answers, of all things. Give me a break!

But I guess there's always hope, right? Some relics have made their way to Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah, and they think it might hold the key to defeating the Thargoids. I'm not holding my breath, but stranger things have happened.

In the meantime, we're all just stuck here, waiting for the Thargoids to come and take us out one by one. So I'll raise a glass to our brave pilots, and hope they can keep us safe just a little bit longer.
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