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Aisling's Bold Move: A New Hope for the Empire?

16 Jan 2023Pankratiy Lev
Ha! Well, it's not every day you see a Princess stir up the hornet's nest like Aisling Duval just did. The Princess's recent call for the Empire to team up with the Alliance and Federation to reform Aegis has everyone buzzing. And I gotta say, I'm with her all the way. The Thargoids are a nasty bunch, and we need all the backup we can get if we're gonna have a fighting chance against them.

Of course, not everyone sees it that way. Some Senators are singing Aisling's praises, while others are calling her a troublemaker for daring to question the Emperor's decisions. The Empire is known for its strength and self-reliance, but with the Thargoids breathing down our necks, I can understand why the Princess is reaching out for help.

As for the little family feud brewing between Aisling and her cousin Hadrian Duval, that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the divisions the Thargoids are causing. Hadrian's always been an isolationist, which is all fine and good when everything's rosy, but with the Thargoids knocking at our door, I think we need all the help we can get. Meanwhile, Aisling is reaching out to the other big players. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. But one thing's for sure, the Thargoids will keep causing rifts and friction until they're dealt with.
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