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Empire Leaders vs Princess Aisling: Who's Really on the Side of the People?

23 Jan 2023Pankratiy Lev
Aye, seems like the galaxy's got a whole heap of drama brewing. Our fair Princess Aisling Duval has called out the Empire to step up against the Thargoids with the help of the Alliance and the Federation. But, of course, not everyone's on board with her plan.

Admiral Denton Patreus thinks the Princess should stick to her "charity work, parties and whatnot." Meanwhile, Senator Zemina Torval sees it as a big ol' insult to the throne. But bless Senator Caspian Leopold, he's got a brain and sees the Princess's point of view. The woman's got the brains to understand the political landscape and knows that the Empire needs all the help it can get against those Thargoids.

As for me, I gotta say, I'm impressed by Princess Aisling's courage. Takes a real set of cojones to speak out against the status quo, especially with the Thargoids being such a pressing matter. And I gotta say, I agree with her proposal. The Empire needs all the help it can get.

But those Patreus and Torval, they're just stuck in their ways. They're like relics from another time, completely out of touch with reality. The Empire needs leaders who'll think outside the box, not stick to the same old tired solutions. Patreus and Torval, they ain't cut out for the job.
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