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Archon Delaine Takes the Lead: The Kumo Crew Rallies Against the Thargoids

27 Jan 2023Pankratiy Lev
It's been a trying time here in the California Nebula. The Thargoids have been swarming local systems and wreaking havoc, but it's down to the Kumo Crew to defend the region. The Alliance sees the colony as expendable, which is a disappointing and cowardly approach. The Kumo Council called in reinforcements and the local security forces are working to repel the Thargoids.

Archon Delaine, the leader of the Kumo Crew, has announced their intention to protect the citizens of the nebula, and I must admit, I respect the determination and bravery of the Crew. The Mictlan, the Crew's megaship, is preparing to deploy in support of the counter-attacks.

However, the Turner Research Group, which controls several of the invaded systems, has rejected the Pegasi Sentinel's request for populations not to impede Kumo Crew activity. The scientific organization has accused Delaine of using the Thargoid attacks as a pretence for a power grab, but I'm not so sure. It's easy to dismiss the Kumo Crew as pirates, but they're the only ones stepping up to defend the nebula.

It's disheartening to see the lack of support from the superpowers in this time of need. I only hope that the Kumo Crew can successfully defend the nebula and put an end to the Thargoid invasion. The recent increase in hostilities is concerning, but I have faith in the Crew to rise to the challenge.
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