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A Resignation Born from Disillusionment

30 Jan 2023Pankratiy Lev
It seems like Admiral Tanner has had enough of the politics and bureaucracy that's holding the Federal Navy back. He's stepped down from his commission and has issued a statement expressing his disillusionment with the system. While I can understand why someone in his position would be frustrated, I have to say that I admire his dedication to the cause.

It's not just the Thargoids that are the problem here, it's the way the system is set up. It's clear that commercial interests and politics are taking priority over the safety of the citizens. The Thargoids are a serious threat, and we need leaders who are willing to put the safety of their people first.

Admiral Tanner has pledged to continue working on anti-xeno strategies as an independent military specialist. It's clear that he remains dedicated to saving lives and ending the war as soon as possible. His statement, "To any Thargoids who may be listening: you haven't seen the last of me yet," is a clear indication of his resolve.

It's too bad that the politics and bureaucracy of the Federal Navy were getting in the way of his work. But I have to say that I'm glad to see someone who is so dedicated to the cause. I just hope that more leaders will follow his example and start putting the safety of their citizens first.
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