Logbook entry

Standing with Archon Delaine and the Kumo Crew

02 Feb 2023Pankratiy Lev
As a proud member of the Kumo Crew, I stand behind the actions taken by the Kumo Council in response to the ongoing Thargoid threat in the California Nebula. It's reassuring to see that the Kumo Council is taking the initiative to protect the people of the region and defend against the hostile Thargoid forces.

Regarding Harrison Gladstone's recent protest from the Turner Research Group, I must admit that I'm somewhat puzzled by their stance. The Kumo Crew is doing what they can to keep the citizens of the California Nebula safe, while the Alliance seems to be sitting idly by. Instead of complaining, the Turner Research Group should be grateful for the Kumo Crew's efforts.

But beyond that, I believe that the Kumo Council's approach to the situation is sound. By coordinating anti-Thargoid initiatives from The Mictlan megaship and offering rewards for eliminating Thargoid vessels, the Kumo Crew is taking a proactive stance in the face of danger. It's not an easy task, but I have faith in Archon Delaine and the Kumo Council to see this through.

In these trying times, it's important to have leaders who are willing to take action and defend against the Thargoid threat. The Kumo Crew may have a reputation as a ruthless criminal gang, but I know that they have the best interests of the people of the California Nebula at heart. And I, for one, will do my part to support their efforts in any way I can.

Glory to Archon Delaine! Glory to the Kumo Crew!
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