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Emperor Plays the Game, Leaves Princess Holding the Xeno Bag

31 Jan 2023Pankratiy Lev
Well, what do we have here? Another political drama unfolds before me. The esteemed Princess Aisling Duval and the Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval had a little tiff, and I can imagine the Senators' surprise when the Princess burst into the throne room. Ha! The cheek of her, but it's good to see some boldness in these spineless politicians. And now, the Emperor is allocating a limited number of scientists and naval vessels for the anti-xeno agency. This seems like a clever move, distancing herself from any potential failures by putting the Princess in charge. The Princess is wasting no time, gathering her delegation and even reaching out to the Alliance and Federation. The universe is never dull, that's for sure.

As a pirate, mercenary, and freelancer, I can appreciate the Emperor's strategy of distancing herself from potential failures. However, as a member of the Kumo Crew, I must say that allocating resources to an anti-xeno agency doesn't seem like the wisest decision. Xenos are just another part of the dangers that come with life in the galaxy, and taking resources away from more pressing matters to deal with them seems like a misallocation of resources to me. But hey, that's just my perspective as a part of the criminal underworld.
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