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Aegis: The New Playground for Alliance Bureaucrats

06 Feb 2023Pankratiy Lev
Ha! Looks like the Alliance Assembly is finally getting their act together. It's about time they realized they can't just sit back and let the Empire and Federation take all the credit for saving humanity from the Thargoids. So, they've decided to contribute to Aegis if the agency is reformed by the three superpowers. And who do they choose to represent them? Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran and Commodore Emil Varga. I can already feel the Thargoids shaking in their boots at the thought.

And of course, Edmund Mahon had to make a grand announcement about it. "Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's change of heart regarding anti-xeno collaboration has triggered swift action from Alliance systems." Oh, so it's all thanks to the Empire now? How convenient for the Alliance to jump on the bandwagon after the Empire's sudden change of heart. I guess they're just trying to save face and look like they're actually doing something to help.

But wait, there's more! "The Alliance will share Thargoid-related intelligence and scientific data to a central database shared with the Empire and Federation." Wow, they're really going all out. They'll even share their precious information with those they consider their enemies. Who knew the Alliance had it in them to be so cooperative?

And of course, there's a little nod to their "strategic defense pact" with Sirius Corp. I'm sure Li Yong-Rui is just thrilled to hear that. It's no secret that he's been trying to edge out Aegis and become the primary anti-xeno organization. But apparently, Mahon has a "long-standing dedication to multilateral cooperation against the Thargoids." Well, isn't that noble of him.

All in all, this announcement is just more Alliance posturing. They're trying to make it seem like they're finally taking the Thargoids seriously and contributing to the fight. But in reality, they're just trying to keep up with the Empire and Federation and not be left behind. I'll believe it when I see actual results from the Alliance, not just empty promises and grand announcements.
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