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Lev's Lashing Out: The Xeno-Peace Movement Gets a Reality Check

07 Feb 2023Pankratiy Lev
Well, well, well. It seems like everyone's favorite pastime these days is to point fingers and play the blame game. In the latest episode of 'Who's Responsible for the Thargoids,' we have anti-authoritarian protesters who are convinced that the superpowers are solely to blame for the Thargoid War.

I mean, who could've seen this coming? It's not like the Thargoids have been hostile since, oh I don't know, forever? It's not like they've been attacking us without provocation for generations. No, it's clearly the fault of those greedy politicians and their corporate buddies. After all, what's a few billion lives compared to a hefty profit from arms deals, right?

But wait, it gets better. The protesters are so convinced of this conspiracy theory that they're breaking into politicians' homes and administrative complexes in search of evidence. Good luck with that, folks. I'm sure the answer to all of humanity's problems lies in a dusty old file somewhere.

And let's not forget the classic case of the protester who's convinced the conflict was always the superpowers' policy. Timothy Culver, the mastermind behind this theory, doesn't seem to have any concrete evidence to support his claims. But who needs evidence when you have a good old-fashioned conspiracy theory to fall back on?

Meanwhile, our favorite figures in the xeno-peace movement are distancing themselves from the chaos. They must've realized that their peaceful messages are a bit hard to sell when protesters are breaking into people's homes and clashes with security personnel are breaking out. And Congressman Dalton Chase? Well, he's too busy focusing on other projects to bother with the Kingfisher tragedy. How convenient.

But don't worry, folks. The Interpol and Internal Security Service have everything under control. And if you're a Federal citizen who dares to express anti-authority sympathies, you can look forward to a friendly pre-cautioning from the Proactive Detection Bureau. Because who needs free speech when you have a war to fight, right?

As the death toll from the Thargoid War continues to rise, I have a feeling that the demand for responsibility won't be fading anytime soon. But hey, at least we can all enjoy this merry-go-round of finger-pointing and blame-shifting while we wait for the next crisis to hit.
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