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Aegis Rises Again: The Federation, Alliance, and Empire Join Forces

10 Feb 2023Pankratiy Lev
What do we have here? The Federation, the Alliance, and the Empire all coming together to support the reformation of Aegis. I never thought I'd see the day. The Thargoids must really be giving them a run for their money. I can't say I blame them, but it's a bit rich for the Federation to come in now and act like they're the heroes of the story. They were the ones who cut Aegis off in the first place. Now they want to swoop in and "correct that misjudgment." Please.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. President Hudson and Shadow President Winters have always been more concerned with appearances than with actually doing the right thing. They want to make sure they're not left behind while the Alliance and the Empire get all the credit for saving humanity. I have to hand it to them, though. It's a smart play.

I'm not sure what to make of Rear Admiral Daniel Parry being assigned as the Federal Navy's military liaison. Admiral Tanner was a hard act to follow, but I have to admit I'm curious to see what this new guy will bring to the table.

It's good to see that Professor Shamus Madigan will continue to lead on xenological research. The Thargoids are a fascinating and frightening mystery, and I'm grateful to those who are working to unlock their secrets. That being said, I still have my reservations about this whole "united front" against the Thargoids. I hope that everyone involved remembers that the Thargoids are sentient beings, not just mindless monsters to be defeated.

In any case, this is all a bit much for me. I'll stick to my own missions, thank you very much. It's not like the fate of humanity rests on my shoulders or anything.
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