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Aegis Reform: An Anticlimactic Announcement

13 Feb 2023Pankratiy Lev
Aegis, the infamous organization dedicated to "centralize research into the Thargoids, as well as coordinate defense and rescue operations," has been resurrected by the Alliance, Empire, and Federation. For those who had hoped for something more significant, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that's pretty much it.

According to the official statement, the organization will prioritize "scientific research" to better understand the alien species and improve "defensive and weapon capabilities." Not sure how many ways there are to shoot at an alien, but I suppose it's always good to have more options.

To achieve these goals, Aegis will partner with independent specialists and allocate resources for research projects. Apparently, the engineer Petra Olmanova has offered preliminary designs for a method of allowing ships to survive longer within corrosive clouds. I'm sure this will be a game-changer.

As for the criticism from the Baumann Report, they have addressed it by adopting a new organizational structure, which they claim follows a streamlined approach used by some other unit with a fancy name. They also boast about facilitating rapid and secure communications between key members.

In summary, the Aegis reform announcement is about as exciting as watching paint dry. But, who knows? Maybe this time around, they'll get their act together and actually do something meaningful.
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