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Princess Aisling Duval Takes Charge of Aegis, Proves that Some Royals Actually Care About the People

17 Feb 2023Pankratiy Lev
Seems like Princess Aisling Duval has taken charge of the Empire's contribution to Aegis, the tri-superpower agency. My dear Princess talked about her new role in an interview with The Imperial Herald, and you know what? I gotta say, I'm rooting for her.

Aisling recognizes the value of the Aegis initiative in protecting the Empire from losses in this war against the Thargoids, even if that means defying the Emperor's decree. It takes guts to go against your family, especially when they're in charge of an entire empire, but Aisling's got 'em.

Of course, not everyone is thrilled about this news. Hadrian Augustus Duval, for one, is not impressed. He thinks the Empire should stay away from cooperating with the Alliance and the Federation, and that Aisling's taking a wrong turn. But let's be honest, who cares about his opinion? The guy's been in hiding for years and the Kumo Crew, led by the one and only Archon Delaine, are still the top dogs of the galaxy.

Anyway, back to Aisling. She's working with some big names in Aegis, like Professor Alba Tesreau and Dr. Maximo Fonseca, to make the most of the resources allocated to the initiative. And she's not afraid to admit that she was critical of Aegis's effectiveness in the past, but now she sees the big picture. The Thargoids are a threat that can't be taken lightly, and if that means joining forces with the superpowers, so be it.

I gotta say, it's good to see someone with some common sense in the upper echelons of power. Here's hoping Aisling can make a real difference in this fight against the Thargoids, even if it means going against her own family.
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