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Aegis develops new caustic module for ships, who knew Thargoids were such a pain?

20 Feb 2023Pankratiy Lev
Well, well, well, it seems Aegis has come up with another brilliant idea in their fight against the Thargoids. This time, they've created a prototype module that's supposed to help ships survive in caustic environments. And who do we have to thank for this stroke of genius? None other than Petra Olmanova, of course. I mean, we should have known that the answer to our Thargoid problems was just sitting in her blueprints all along.

But hey, let's give credit where credit is due. Aegis has apparently assembled a crack team of chemical engineers, metallurgists, and ship technicians to put this thing together. And guess what? They've actually managed to construct a working prototype. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty confident that we're going to win this war now.

Of course, we can't forget about Aden Tanner, who's volunteered to pilot the ship during the live tests. I mean, what a hero. I'm sure his involvement has nothing to do with the fact that he's head of the Aegis Military Division, right?

But the best part of this whole thing? Rear Admiral Daniel Parry's comments. Apparently, Aegis is going to start working more closely with independent pilots, because relying on them to risk their lives for us just isn't cutting it anymore. It's about time someone at Aegis realized that.

Anyway, I'm sure this new module is going to work out great. After all, what could possibly go wrong when we start messing around with Thargoid technology?
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