Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Home sweet Herrington

27 Jun 2023Tiffany Yür
Had to get back to home in order to fill in Tiffany and others with what we have been doing in the independent province. The three main members of the cooperative are quite heavily invested in the thargoid war. Two others I've met are traders like us so it's been up to the three of us to mostly maintain the province. The head honchos yet help a lot by bringing in the spoils and bounties of the thargoid war. We have even expanded our sphere (rather, a dumbbell) of influence to two new systems during the time. I even took part in a defensive war against an annoying faction with the combat expert of the province. Got in real hurry with the 5 LCZs we won, as he was so efficient, i had to be really sharp and fast to help out with some of the opponents. Hitting the FA off at the wrong moment may land you in the middle of opponents and at least once he had to help me to get out with only minimal damage.
There are several steps to get an expansion going on and trading is one way to help out. Thus on both occasions I did a whole lot of unnecessary (for rivals) and necessary (for us) trades on the systems we thought were ripe for expansion. Then later if the expansion was succesful helped to tie the system in question to the nearby markets, if possible. The heads of the province did most of the other things, but I did take some diplomatic bags and freed some political prisoners in the process.
This all when there were about ten other systems needing attention. Really busy politics in there.

So, back in Herrington I find out that Tiffany has done a deal with our government to align our operations more to their intrests. So it did not turn out a vacation after all. The Yür Freight has traditionally been strictly neutral with different factions though some of us, like the late Heylindh aligned themselves way more to the left than Tiffany. We still hope to function as mediators in the conflicts in the area but some minor factions make it very difficult to do so. Here's hoping the Wolf 510 crew sees that their destructive ways are not the best ones. War is always a crippling influence to trade between factions, and they now have 5 wars going on. I've yet to see a coordinated response from neighboring factions but we are defending at least somewhat. I don't know what happened to the former terraformers, they've adopted some sort of neostalinist aggression as their mode of operation, it looks like. What a difference nine months can make.

Cmdr Kyyttö Yür
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