Logbook entry

Have I really never made a log entry?

24 Nov 2022ThatGuySalroka
I guess this is as good a time as any to start. Better late than never, right?

Ok, so... Date: November 24, 3308. If my history is still up to snuff, this was Thanksgiving Day back in the old United States before the Federation gained full control of Earth. I'm thankful for the Xeno Refugee Coalition and the chance to aid those whose lives have been forever changed by the Second Thargoid War. Seriously... piss on those space bees. If they tried talking with us instead of just seeing us as invaders and attacking us, maybe we wouldn't have started trying to wipe them out. Oh, well. Too late to whine over spilled Lavian Brandy, right? Anyway, back to the log.

Brought a pirate and his crew in to Kozlov Penal Colony today. He'd been attacking people and stealing cargo in a system next to our home in HIP 71737, and the leaders in that system reached out to the Xeno Refugee Coalition for help. Naturally, we obliged. After a brief fight, the pirate vessels were all disabled or destroyed and the crews were mostly able to make it to escape pods. Can I just say I LOVE the near-invincibility I feel when at the helm of my Federal Corvette, the Galatine? Yeah, anyway... that's one less thorn in the side of the people of this sector of space. They gave the guy fifteen years in Kozlov's Medium Security Wing, and his crew all got five years for their role in the bastard's scummy actions. Personally, I think it was a light sentence... but I'm not a judge so it's pointless for me to get upset about it.

So far, we've not been called on by any of the superpowers to assist with the incoming "Stargoids", as some have come to call them... but I suspect that may change now that the Megaship Kingfisher was destroyed by Stargoid Taranis' escorts. Until now, it's just been Federal Officials calling us up to house illegal Thargoid worshippers in Kozlov. They request Maximum Security every time, so we had to construct an additional building for that wing just to house the Far God cultists and Xeno Peace terrorists. I'd just as soon hurl them into one of the Brown Dwarf stars in this system... but again, that ain't my call. Plus I guess that wouldn't make me much better than the criminals in Kozlov, would it? Ah, well... it's still cathartic to IMAGINE doing it, right?

Anyway... let's close out this first-ever log entry (seriously, I'm amazed I've never done this) with some plans for the future.

If things continue as I suspect they will, I plan on transporting a large number of refugees out to the Colonia region on my Fleet Carrier. The Folkvangr Hall is a big girl and can likely transport at least ten thousand refugees by herself. Other members of the Xeno Refugee Coalition have carriers as well, but I won't force them to follow me to Colonia. They would probably prefer to take the fight to the space bees, anyway. But yeah... I've loaded the Folkvangr Hall up with many tons of food and water for the passengers, as well as various things needed for them to found a new colony on whatever Earth-Like world we find for them to settle upon. Evac Shelters, Robotics, Construction Equipment, Agricultural Supplies, and so on. We've got a lot of it in the cargo hold and are ready to send it planetside for the refugees to use for their new colony. Hopefully the frigging space bees won't follow them that far out.

This ends my first official log, I suppose.
Commander Tony Salroka, out. o7, folks.
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