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Two Sides of One Coin [Luke & Lilith - Part 5]

19 Jan 2017Luke3107
As the Multi-Cannons began to spin up on the Python, Luke realised he was in trouble. His shields were down, his ship was unarmed, and at this range, any attempts at boosting underneath the vessel would only serve to ram his cockpit into the nose of the other ship.

"Alright, Alright!!!! Wait!!!!" He called over the comms, "Look... There's nothing I can do about the restricted access... But maybe I can help you out..." It was becoming a desperate situation, which meant desperate measures. Thankfully, the Pythons weapons began to spool down as the other voice came over the comms.

"I'm listening, you have thirty seconds.... Go." Lilith replied coolly.

"Thirty seconds??? I'm offering to help you track the bastards!!!" Luke shouted over the comms.

"Twenty Five, Twenty Four, Twenty Three...." Was all Lilith said in response.

Luke stumbled as he quickly tried to formulate a plan. Something that would appease both this woman pilot, and keep the Empire off his back should things go south. Her voice coming coldly and steadily over the comms, counting down each digit until she opened fire. He couldn't think of anything. No way he was getting out of this alive and it was all the fault of the four Imperial ships that insisted on secretive meetings instead of long range comms.

*Wait.... That's it!!!* Luke clicked his fingers and began searching the data history on his computer systems, hoping beyond hope something was left over as the other pilots countdown reached ten seconds.

Lilith sat and watched with mild amusement at the mans panicky movements, revelling in the feeling of power and control she had at this moment. She sincerely debated firing her Pulse Lasers just to see his reaction, but figured if there was a possibility he could help her, it wasn't worth the sacrifice. Her countdown reached five seconds as his voice cried out over the speakers.

"I can give you names!!!" He said, half relieved, half hopeful, "They might just be codenames, but they're names nonetheless."

Lilith stopped counting, but emphasised the last number she reached to insinuate she was going to continue counting if she didn't like what she heard.

"I can work with codenames. It makes it harder but it's still do-able." She said calmly.

"Ok... But I want to make a deal first." Luke responded, hoping he'd found a way out of this mess. "Just by giving you that data, I've opened myself up to being targetted by the Empire. I want you to agree to help me out if needed."

"You want me to be your personal bodyguard?? Not likely..." Lilith jibed, holding up three fingers to continue her countdown.

"No... I'll give you a name now. One name... If I have to call on you, I'll give you another." Luke said simply. It was a longshot, but it just might work.

"I want all three names. I want all three right now. I can, and I will just shoot you right now and take them!!!" Lilith spat. The anger in her voice quite clear, who was this prick thinking he could blackmail her into being his personal servant??

"Nuh uh, no way. I need a guarantee of getting out of here. One name. If they fly in a group everywhere, you'll find all of them with one. Otherwise, you need me to stay alive in order to get the other two." Luke folded his arms defiantly, "As for shooting me... You think you can destroy the ship quicker than I can purge the files?"

Drumming her fingers on her armrest, Lilith considered the options laid before her. As vulnerable as the Asp was right now, she doubted she could destroy it before the data became irretrievable. On the other hand, having one name, even a codename, was better than nothing to go on. Her hackles bristled at the thought of being at this mans beckon call, she had to swing this back into her favour somehow.

"You realise that upon giving me the third name, I have no further use for you right?" She stated. The implied threat hanging quite loose in the air before she pushed it further by adding, "and I really dislike being blackmailed..."

"Then you can be rest assured I'll be picking my moments very carefully." Luke responded, "I take it we have a deal?"

Lilith pulled in a breath, and released it slowly.

"Yes, we have a deal." She conceded with exasperation, retracting her hardpoints to demonstrate her cooperation.

Luke released a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding and let himself relax for the first time since his meeting with the Onyx.

"But there's one caveat... When I find the first person, I'm finding you for the next one, no matter what..." Lilith added in.

*This is the best I'm gonna get I think* Luke thought to himself as he typed out the first name in silence then sent it out.

"You'll have to find me first, and I'm not always in the bubble." He added with a huff.

"I have my methods... Unfortunately for both of us, we're going to have to exchange details." Lilith snorted.

"Are... Are you asking for my number??" Luke asked, feigning embarrasment.

"Can it. I have one name, don't test me..." Lilith muttered back, "I'm sending you a direct contact link to my datapad. If you decide to summon me, have the name ready or it will be the last one you make."

Luke sat silently, nodding in agreement. The ships were close enough so she could see him do so. He also forwarded his details to her upon recieving the link.

"Lilith eh? Nice name actually, I like it..." He said kindly, with a genuine smile on his face.

"Don't get too attached..... Luke is it? How.... Normal..." She said with forced indifference. "You may leave."

Luke didn't wait to be told twice, deciding the best course of action would be to find somewhere to grab a drink, he reactivated his ships systems and spooled up his Frame Shift Drive. A loud bang filled the vacuum as his ship vanished into Witchspace.

Lilith pondered for a while at how things had turned out. The trail hadn't run as cold as she'd expected. That man, Luke, had even managed to worm his way out of imminent death with nothing more than his brain. She was forced to admit she was impressed with him as much as she disliked him. The men she usually had contact with were often all brawn, no brains, seeing her as nothing more than a potential notch on their bedpost. Luke, however, had made no mention of her appearance, albeit with the threat of death hanging over him like a stormy cloud, and she had to conclude that prerhaps dislilke was too strong a word. He did seem to just be caught in the middle of all this after all. Maybe after her job was done they could meet face to face....

She shook her head, not liking where her thoughts were going and instead, focussed on the name in front of her.

*CMDR Yanmere, your days are numbered* She thought to herself. *But first, I need a to put a tail on Luke* Wondering where she'd be able to hire a person to do the job she recalled a mention of a bar in Citi Gateway. This was where she figured it would be best to go as her FSD spooled up ready to follow the course she'd plotted to Inara.

Authors Note: Thank you for reading the opening tale of Luke. If you wish to continue following him the next portion of his tale continues in the InGaBa RP Forums. However once he leaves, I will endeavour to post his story into this section to make for easier reading. If you'd like to read up on everything that happened, follow this link to begin tracking his journey.

Luke enters InGaBa (Page 45)

Alternatively, a brief overview can be found by clicking 'Newer Logbook Entry' below. Any comments and constructive critiscisms are welcome. Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading my inane scribblings.
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