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No Pill For This Morning After (Part 1)

04 Feb 2017Luke3107
There was a lot of buzzing. Or was it whirring? Either way, it was very irritating and time it stopped. Luke opted to rise out of his bed and silence the offending object. Mind you, the mattress was unusually hard tonight.

And wet...

*Wait, what?* Came a thought to the forefront of his mind. This set off a chain reaction in his head that resulted in him shooting up from the surface and in an instant he was onto his feet. This turned out to be a bad idea as his head promptly objected and sent the room spinning.

The next he knew, he was against the cool steel bowl of a toilet seat, heaving. Although nothing was coming up. Clearly, his body had rid itself of the excess toxins from his stomach, but was nonetheless still trying, and failing, to clear the rest of his body. There wasn't even bile leftover. All that remained was the familiar, and slightly painful, sensation of his stomach tightening, then his chest, throat and, with a small burp, out came more nothing.

It wasn't too long before he became aware that the stickiness he'd felt earlier was still present on the side of his face. Slowly he lifted his hand up to investigate, and upon touching it he found it stayed on his fingers. So he turned his head, even more slowly so the toilet would stay exactly where it was and looked at the substance.

*Yup... Red, wet and sticky... Explains the headache... Sorta...* Lukes brain told him. But he wasn't on speaking terms with that voice. That voice was responsible for his current fragile state so he decided it wasn't to be trusted.

"This is your fault." He said out loud to the inner voice, as he finally mustered the strength to stand up again. As though in response, he found himself lurching towards the sink. Except, it wasn't his balance that caused it. He realised just too late it was the ship that had pitched suddenly, not him, as it did so again, sending him back across the bathroom and into the shower cubicle.

*What in actual fu...???* Came the voice again, *Truce?* It offered.

"Truce." Luke agreed, realising he must be going insane, but not caring as he stood in the cubicle and braced against the walls as the vessel pitched once more, threatening to send him back to his original position over the toilet once again. He stumbled out of the bathroom as the ship continued to try and throw him off his feet making his way to the cockpit.

The door slid open to reveal a blinding white light, the buzzing had gotten much louder as the source was revealed to be a warning from the HUD. What the warning was about didn't register at first as Luke became more preoccupied with the silver haired woman at the helm.

"Heya sweetie!!! Sorry about the noise, I just wanted to get a start on the trip." She said brightly, as Luke just stood there dumbfounded.

Shout out to Cartlidge1000 and Harold Sackoski for their suggestions to put in this story. Click 'Newer Logbook Entry' below for Part 2 once it is available. As always, thanks for reading!!!
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