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No Pill For This Morning After (Part 2)

05 Feb 2017Luke3107
"Is everything OK Luke?" Said the woman, her hair glowing unnaturally bright from the light flooding the cockpit,"You still hungover hun?"

She turned back to face the front and countered the pitching. As it happened, the bright light was a White Dwarf, and the constant bucking and swaying was this, stranger, boosting the Frame Shift Drive using the Relativistic Jet from the star. Luke stood, impressed at the level of control she was exerting over the Ship. Normally, if you entered these cones of light and matter, it sent even the most capable of pilots into a violent spin. Yet here she was, calmly steering the Asp as though it were no more than a light breeze.

It only lasted a moment as she turned the ship out of range, and the alarms signifying the FSD was working beyond it's capabilities died out but the red message on the HUD remained. The woman then tapped the Galaxy Map, selected a system and turned the ship to face the marker. A moment later the ever familiar countdown to a Witchspace jump activated and with a loud bang, the ship disappeared into the void.

As the cockpit filled with the familiar colours of this mostly unknown phenomenon, the female pilot turned around in the seat and stood up before walking slowly towards him. Luke instinctively averted his eyes.

"Wha... why are you naked?" He stammered.

"Why not?" She responded, "Do you not want me to be?"

"No... I mean... Yes... I mean... Just, why?" He continued to stumble over his words and she continued her approach, crossing the space in a mere couple of paces. Once she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him tightly. A tight hug that Luke found himself returning.

"You're a strange man Luke. Most men don't question why a woman is naked." She said in her sweet, soothing voice, "Besides, I'm not technically naked. I have pants on." If Luke slid his fingers down just a centimetre or two, he'd feel the fabric of the white underwear she was wearing. But he was too stunned to notice.

She leaned back and locked eyes with him briefly before giving him a quick kiss on his left cheek. It was then he realised she had platinum blonde hair, not silver, but very close to it. Dark Brown eyes, made darker by her contrastingly bright skin, a cute little button nose and dimples. Not to mention she had a very slender figure that he couldn't help but notice as she'd gotten up.

*Whoever she is, she's stunning...* He thought, *I mean... I really can't complain at all.*

"Whatcha thinking about?" She asked playfully, snapping him from his thoughts.

"Uhh... Just... That someone really ought to make sure we don't go face first into the next star." He said, quickly pulling his gaze from drifting down and spinning her around him, positioning her closer to the door, "You go put something comfortable on, I'll stop the ship." He added, thanking his brain for rescuing him, but half-chastising it for the last sentence too.

"If you're really THAT bothered babe." She said with a smile, blowing him a kiss before she padded out the door.

Luke would have sat and watched her walk away, but the familiar horn-like sound of the ship dropping out of Witchspace had him turn round and pulling the throttle back as a large M-Class star appeared in front of him. A clunk informed him his Fuel Scoop had activated and he watched the bar slowly begin to fill up from around halfway. He could have flew closer and allowed the scoop to do its job quicker and more efficiently, but now wasn't the time for haste. Right now he had questions.

So he straightened out his t-shirt that he'd clearly slept in and gave his right side of his face a wipe, still wondering what the red liquid was. No cuts to speak of, so unless it was someone else's blood... He cringed at the thought and ended up wiping harder. Staying in Supercruise, he pointed the ship away from the Star and pulled the throttle right back, leaving it at 30Km/s, the minimum speed Supercruise allowed during normal flight.

As he did so, he turned the chair around and stood up, making note that the Fuel Scoop was still doing its job, but only barely. All the while wondering who this woman was, how they'd met, what she was doing on his ship and above all, whose blood is on his face? With that, he began his barefoot walk back towards the quarters. It was still his ship, so that meant only one set of guest quarters. But given the, intimate, nature of his introduction to her, it was a safe bet she was in his room. By the same principal... How was he supposed to even begin asking those questions???
I appreciate this part of the story didn't move things along much, but I felt it necessary to stop it there and continue in the next part or it would have been too long. Thanks for reading as always, read Part 3 by clicking 'Newer Logbook Entry' as usual, and if you want to comment on this, or indeed any of my stories, don't hesitate to PM me!!!
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