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No Pill For This Morning After (Part 3)

16 Feb 2017Luke3107
Lukes hunch turned out to be correct. A short inspection of the guest quarters revealed it to be deserted, meanwhile the sound of soft humming to a tune could be heard across the hall from his own room. He approached the door and paused to listen for telltale signs, but got nothing more than the song she was humming, a familiar tune he couldn't put his finger on.

Giving up, he knocked.

"Come in!!" Came the cheerful response, "Although why on earth you're knocking I don't know."

"It's just... Proper, I guess." He replied sliding the door open and stepping in. She was perched on the end of his bed, running a brush through her hair that just never seemed to end. Acknowledging his entry, she continued humming the same tune as before. It made him happy to hear the song, but he really couldn't understand why.

What he could understand was that she'd gotten changed into an almost formal outfit. Dark shirt, buttoned up just high enough to barely cover her... assets. Tight fitting black trousers to show off her long, slender legs, and flat bottomed shoes to match the rest. All of the dark clothing served to draw the eye to the brightness of her skin and hair. Something that seemed to be the aim and if he was honest with himself, it worked. As she finished with her hair, she flicked it gently behind her, drew a knee up to her chest and grinned at him.

"That better hun?" She beamed at him, batting her eyelids to draw his attention to her face.

"Umm... Yes and no? Is that the right answer?" He replied nervously, given what he was about to say, "Look.... Can we talk for a minute, please?"

"Uhh... Sure. What's up??" She replied, her smile dropping to a more worried expression, only adding to the dread Luke felt himself.

"I... Umm... Look, you're great... No.... Fuck...." He was just tripping over his words, unable to find an easy way to explain himself, "I'm just going to lay it out bluntly. I don't remember anything since leaving Citi Gateway. I don't know who you are, I don't know where you came from, how we met, where we are, where we're going. Hell,I don't even know whos blood this is on my face!!!" He pointed at the read smear on his cheek as he watched the womans reaction. Or, lack thereof.

She just, sat there staring blankly at him, the corners of her lips trembling. She almost seemed to be scanning his face for signs he was joking. But none appeared, and Luke prepared for the worst. He was about to start muttering his apologies when something completely unexpected happened.

She burst out laughing!!!

All he could do was sit there as the woman lay on her back laughing like there was no tomorrow. Tears streamed from her eyes, her breath caught short and a few times it seemed like she was finally stopping but one look back at his face had her in fits of giggles again.

"I... Wha..? I mean... Why..?" His brain failed to provide the coherent sentence he needed to complete his question.

"Why am I laughing?" She finished for him, wiping the tears from her face, "Because it was obvious something was up from the very start!!"

"Ok?" He replied, still none the wiser, "Then... Can you fill in the details for me?"

"Well... Some... Like first, this," She reached up and wiped a smear of the sticky red substance from his face with her thumb, then promptly sucked it off. Luke nearly boked but she reassured him, "Isn't blood. We got hold of some Bloodberries from a local market. They're like a blend between Raspberries and Blackcurrants, very sweet. You can guess how they got their name."

He reached up to his face, and wiped some more off from his face with his finger, then took a tentative taste himself. It was indeed, very sweet, and had a slight tang to it. Luke was never fond of fruit of any sort but apparently, his alcohol flooded brain had decided these would be a nice treat.

"Ok... Speaking of names... What's yours?" He asked simply.

"Christina Celine Orithani, but just call me Chrissy." She said with a smile.

"Cool, Chrissy... I like it." Was his response, grateful for the fact she was so understanding, "I'm guessing that, given your last name, we aren't married?"

Chrissy nearly started laughing again.

"Oh god no!!! We've only been together three days." She said, as though it was obviously a stupid question.

Lukes response was short, simple but loud as he stood up in shock.


Authors Note: Thank you for sticking with this, I apologise that it took so long to get this third part up but I got a little stuck on how to approach the situation. Big thanks to the guys/gals/cyborgs on the RP: Q&A + OOC subforum for their help, and big shout out to Marra Morgan who reminded me not all women need to burst out crying. Having Chrissy find it hilarious definitely helped shape the conversation surrounding the chapter. As always, hit 'Newer Logbook Entry to view the next chapter once it's up and thanks again for reading!!!
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