Logbook entry

No Pill For This Morning After (Part 4)

03 May 2017Luke3107
"Well yeah, how long did you think we'd been flying for?" Chrissy said, furrowing her brow slightly. "Wait, do you not remember anything, like, at all???"

"Well, no," Luke replied flatly, "I really don't. I mean, I'm not disappointed with where I seem to have ended up...."

His sentence trailed off at the end, really not wanting to try and justify anything lest he simply dig himself into a deeper hole. It's not like he wouldn't deserve it, although he had to admit to himself that having Chrissy upset with him would be a big loss, even if he had no idea why.

"Ok, then how about we go back to where we met? Maybe that will spark a memory?" Chrissy smiled at him, almost playfully. "Then, once we have everything cleared up, we can head out on our trip. How does that sound?"

Luke hesitated for a moment before replying.

"Uhh, yeah. Sure thing. But... Where were we heading for our trip anyway?"

Chrissy stood up, causing Luke to think he'd just said something wrong and she was about to run off and cry. Instead she turned, took his hands and pulled him to his feet.

"Tell you what, you grab a shower, get some clean clothes on, and we'll discuss it when you're a bit fresher. Ok?"

"Sure. Sounds good. Just... Avoid the Jet streams from more Neutrons for now."

Chrissy simply replied with a grin as she slunk out of the room, heading for the cockpit. No sooner was the door shut than his head began to throb again.

"So much for a truce." He grumbled to no one in particular as he stumbled his way into the bathroom. Pausing only to grab some Purge Pills from his medicine cabinet and wash them down with tap water, he wasted no time stripping and climbing into the shower cubicle. A few moments later, he stepped out of the bathroom amongst a cloud of steam and started to dress. Feeling much better now that the Purge had done its job and pulled the remaining alcohol, and whatever other toxins, from his bloodstream. After that, it was a simple matter of letting nature take its course.

Luke tidied up the room a bit. Using his already wet towel to clear the squashed berries from the floor and clear the remaining areas of anything else he could trip over. It was a rush job, but would do for now. Judging by the trail of minor destruction, it seemed he'd gotten up from his bed at some point in order to spend a few moments over the toilet, only to wobble his way out, knocking everything over in his path before tripping and grabbing the bedside table, only to knock over the bowl of berries and pass out on top of them. *Which is why we don't get that drunk...* His brain chided, clearly not happy with being poisoned in the first place.

"Yeah, yeah," replied Luke simply as he made his way back to the cockpit. At the entrance, he pulled on his RemLock suit and sealed it up, leaving his helmet in the cupboard alongside what he assumed to be Chrissy's. Stepping in, he could see the familiar colours of Witchspace vanish as a massive white star came into view. Chrissy was at the helm, her own Black RemLock suit tightly hugging her curves as she smiled sweetly at him.


"Much. Where are we?"

"Somewhere in the Pegasi Region."

Luke simply gave her a quizzical expression. The Pegasi Region was notorious for being a no-go area if you valued your cargo and/or your life. It was a hive of scum and villiany masquerading as a hub of freedom and escape from the clutches of the Federation and Empires stifling grip.

"I assume we're here for a reason?"

"Yep, there's a station not far from he...."

She was cut off mid sentence as the ship violently jerked and a strange blue tunnel formed in front of the ship, nearly sending Luke flying into the canopy.

"Shit... We're being Interdicted!!!" Chrissy cried out, turning the nose of the ship to chase the end of the tunnel in an attempt to break the lock. The ships HUD displayed two vertical bars, on on either side. The Blue bar on the left filled up as Chrissy kept the nose pointing at the escape, but it would drop down again, allowing the Red bar on the right to fill up whenever the tunnel swerved out of reach again.

After what seemed like an eternity, and despite Chrissys best efforts, the Red Bar filled all the way up and the Asps FSD destabilised and threw the ship from SuperCruise. With a loud bang, the vessel span violently and various controls sparked as the force of the drop damaged them slightly. A few seconds later, Chrissy slowed the ship to a halt as another ship drew level with their cockpit.

The large, almost triangular silhoutte of a Cobra class ship stared ominously and silently across from them. A chime alerted them to a voice comms request, which Luke opened.

"Ha! Found you!!" Came an cheerful voice from the other side. "Told you there wasn't a guy in the Galaxy who I couldn't track. Guess you owe me that drink now huh?"
Authors Note: Thank you for reading these and I hope you enjoyed them. If you did, feel free to click Newer Logbook Entry in the bottom right. If not, feel free to message me your critique so I can improve on my errors.

Also note this is the last part of the series. I had intended to continue on with it, however I seem to be struggling and rather than try to blag my way through it I'd rather admit I was a bit over my head with this and write it off as a failed experiment. Thank you for reading. There is the possibility that I return to this story and finish it off in the future though. In the meantime, thanks for reading.
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