Logbook entry

Log - 003

23 Jan 2022Demonolight
It's been almost 2 days now Going down loading escape pods into ol' Queeny, taking of and repeat. Never make decisions when drunk and angry, another lesson I will never learn.

After getting back to bubble and getting down to some heavy drinking at Papin City, I woke to my old pal Fortune Queen waiting for me kited for long range hauling waiting ready for me. I guess I made some arrangements... last thing I remember was drinking with some randos yelling how those responsible will pay and that we need to bring crew home as they deserve. None of the fuckers were at the docking bay, heh... does not matter I guess. The dead don't care, I don't even know why I do. Just 4 days ago I was going on a fun little treasure hunt, and now I'm playing undertaker in Wregoe TC-X B29-0. I guess it's some psychology thing, since I don't have anything to shoot. Maybe... fuck if I know.

Better finish up here and leave the rest to the navies. Hopefully League will have something to take my mind of this once I'm in coms range.
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