Logbook entry

LOG - 004

28 Jan 2022Demonolight
So... have to try and stick to this log.

Thankfully I did not need to jump all the way to bubble from Wregoe TC-X B29-0. Was able to hitch a ride with Vanguard carrier, that was about to make a jump as I woke up ready for the trip, score!

After delivering the escape pods I found myself once again at the local station bar. Drinking and flipping through some available work, to take my mind of things. It did not matter if I tried something calm like flying tourists around or patrolling some local extraction sites, by the end of the day I was back at the bar. I don't know why Alexandria hit so close home, it's space there is death everywhere, was it because I felt tricked? It's infuriating.

In the middle of my my latest alcohol based therapy session, which did not seem to have the desired effect, I started going to latest GalNet news. It looked like Reorte Mining Coalition were going to provide me with an outlet for some suppressed anger. This was the normal state of things, easy to understand, people killing people for money, nothing personal. Made my way over to Reorte and sure enough, conflict zones were already all over the system, even before the announcement came of the official conflict. Run and gun, that's the stuff to cure overbearing thought, or die... win win
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