Logbook entry

interlude: new ships and new skills

I've been Bubble-trapped for a while now

I alternate between lavish spending and diligent grinding. My AspX now has turreted weapons, reactive armor, two auto field-maintenance units, and a fully upgraded FSD. I've bought a couple pretty specialized ships:
  • a 288-ton capacity Type-7
  • a battle-ready Vulture
  • a search and rescue Dolphin
  • a Robigo run passenger Python
  • and a 720-ton capacity Type-9
As part of the community goal I shipped 12,256 tons of geological equipment to Alcor, earning 9-10 million per shipment and easily recouping the costs of my new ships. I've done some mining, a lot of trading, and a good bit of dog-fighting.

I'll be heading out soon though: every time I plot a trading route I feel the call. Every ship that isn't my Asp feels wrong: too jumpy, too slow, not enough window to see out of, too much space in the cockpit for other pilots to sit. I want to be back in my little glass bubble, scooping stars and crashing into planets so far from Sol that no one would ever find my bones

Maybe next week...
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︎1 Shiny!
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