Logbook entry


27 Jan 2022Grumpybadger117
- Wallflower Cantina, Bagryany's Bridge -
Aditi 2300hrs GST 26JAN3308

"No, seriously, people are making it from Sol to Colonia in under two hours!?" Broc's mouth was in his ramen bowl by that point, all while throwing both hands up exasperated.

"You don't read the galnet?" Mordin asked nibbling at his steak. "You dealt sabaac and managed bar for over four years! You didn't pick anything up!? Most of this was a thing before your court martial! You helped FIND the highway!! How did you miss this!?!"

"I haven't read the galnet since Salome', you know that." Broc was leaning back, guardedly, but knowing he would miss this closest thing to a friend he had left in the galaxy.

"Far as anything else, I dismissed it as beltalowda pooduu. I assumed it was spam. If the Empire in all her glory needed me to do something, they also happily supplied the snake or eagle for the job."

"Your grandmother know you got that mouth?" Mordin smirks.

"Who do you think I learned osik from?" Broc laughed.

"So, 60ly laden, a form of hot fsd nitrous, boostable thrusters and a sensor array package weighing less than 20t total?"

Mordin pulled out his datapad and a hollow of a fresh new anaconda started hovering at the table, "Starchaser currently weighs 526 metric tons. With the right connections, she can weigh 482 metric, most now in the FSD, weight loss savings of over 80% on the sensors, and doubling her laden jump range... just don't expect ol'Starchaser to look so fair and pretty."

"I'd kill them where they stood if one once of bondo or weld added weight to my ol girl." The Badger said pointing his chopsticks, chosu steaming across the table at Mordin.

Mordin then transferred data to Broc's holo, queuing up in his HUD in his bionic eye, making Broc grunt.

"I told you I don't like that while eating," he said scanning the info. "What"s this? What's in Deciat? 'Farseer Inc... now that's an ego."

Mordin just shook his head, "No it's earned, her family name. Ask for Felicity, ignore her stuffy AI. She'll get you started, and she's actually been looking forward to meeting you."

Broc looked up from his fish cake, pausing, "That can't be good." All Mordin did back was raise his copper mug to his friend.
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