Logbook entry

07 Feb 2022Daddy O
So today I got legitimately interdicted. It has only happened once before. Usually I am only interdicted if I feel like being dicted. Usually I submit, drop out of warp, and kill them. But today I was broke and heading for repairs when he grabbed me. Normally I out maneuver the pirate, but his unit was highly engineered...he had half a bar before we even started. I tried running (I was out of missiles, chaff, and hull) but did not get far.

but he friended me, and we battled again...and I could not even get his shields down. I had scanned his hardware and he had like 3 shield boosters and a totally engineered shield generator. Very nice build. Also, he had a nice paint job (that answers my question if other people can see your custom paintjob---they can).

So in all, the mostr fun getting killed I have had for a few days. Unlike that asshole AbdullaHassan1 who used a hack to kill me yesterday, this guy did it totally legitimately. That was cool.
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︎0 Shiny!
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