Logbook entry

The rat race, but not fuel rats

14 Feb 2022Daddy O
I decided to put bounty hunting on hold for a few days. My recent surge of engineering has left me short of many mats needed for critical upgrades. Hence, I parked the Fer De Lance and pulled out my MKII; Planet Express. This is my spice runner, the ship I use to get in and out fast. She's quick, and has a manned fighter to back her up. I try to avoid open combat with the ship, as the Kraits are not really intended for warfare, and their shape makes them easy targets.

So for a few days now I have been doing illegal salvage missions, black box recoveries, etc. Along the way I have been using my limpets to scoop up needed mats for engineering. Really, I need to improve my equipment...every day my enemies get tougher and tougher, and the only way to say above ground with those guys is to increasingly engineer my ships to meet the threat.

In fact, last night I got so desperate for mats that I took to being a vulture on the edge of conflict zones. Whenever someone was killed I would move in with limpets and clean up the mess. A few times the killing was taking too long so I sent my fighter in to help. It was faster than flying from signal to signal.
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︎1 Shiny!
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