Logbook entry

New digs

18 Feb 2022Daddy O
I have based out of Shinrarta for a long time, and a while back I started getting tired of the same old...so I started moving around looking for a new place to hang.
The downside is that i give up the fat contracts that come with local reputation. I have camped in about a dozen systems over the last few months, build up reputation...then just moved on to greener pastures.

So right now I am taking transport missions, mixed with salvage. I take on a rich passenger, drop them off somewhere, then complete my illegal salvage operations. The other day I even took a sightseeing trip. Really I hate those. They pay well...but the customers always want extra stuff enroute...or their instructions are muddy...or they complain because you broke a few laws. Assholes.

But at least I have my free Anaconda from Hutton orbital. That's where she is parked right now.
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