The Last Interceptor
09 Apr 2021Cosierpayne
The last of the InterceptorsHeilà Prawns!
No, we have not forgotten, on the contrary ... we have gone even further.
Today we talk about the Orthrus class, Thargoid interdictor.
This model, seen by several Cmdrs on Maia A 3 a, "was" present on the damaged structure of Prof. Palin;
As soon as he comes out of gliding, his only response is to open a wormhole, and give it to his legs.
From the Wiki:
"On August 25, 3305, a fifth type of Interceptor designated an" Orthrus Variant "was spotted by multiple pilots at the abandoned Palin Research Center on Maia A 3 A. The Orthrus resembled a standard cyclops more closely, but with new markings yellow and coloring around the cockpit and along the edges of the petals. The cockpit itself appeared to have been reinforced with additional plating "
°Why two years after the outbreak of the Second Targhoid War?
°Will it have been developed in this timespan?
°Why is it the only one to have plates protecting the Canopy?
°What does it protect?
°Do I only see a sun shield, and human manufacture in the canopy?
°Orthrus have the Power Generator, Shield Generator, Power Distributor, Frame Shift drive ...
Alien and antiquated technology for an Interdictor, moreover the only one to have human modules?
So we decided, as VII Anti-Xenon Squadron to understand each other more. If the Xenomorphs can engineer a creature,
why not a human?
It is commonly believed that this model was captured and modified by Aegis and Dr. Palin.
So we went to sift hundreds, out of hundreds of artichokes ... to find the most suitable for this purpose. I think we found it!
Needless to say, he chased away our 4-wing man, we would have liked to spend more time with him, however he decided to let us run.
PS: We returned by coordinates to the destroyed research center ...
Not only is it sheltered, but instead of the Orthrus ... there are the scouts, the little boys.
When we made the request to land on the radio tower it was granted to us;
however there was no one to give missions, repair or refuel the ship ... no, one to speak with.
Thanks to Admiral Apocalypse for the photos.
Cmdr MavieArbiter for giving us inspiration,
Cmdr Psychor89 for having found the pictogram we were looking for,
Cmdr Gregaryus for his curiosity and spirit of mind.
Our personal engineer Cmdr Dhal El
If there is anyone who wants to speak out, theorize or how much;
Contact us ????
Now I can sleep peacefully.
o7 Cmdrs.