Logbook entry

New Captain Blues

19 Jan 2023Stella Melville
A smaller woman, much shorter than most of her peers, stopped in the middle of a steel walkway, her gaze moving out across the countless stars visible from LHS 2412, taking a deep breath from the tanks of oxygen adorning her suit. Her eyes rested on what she could only guess was an M-Class star, before a small notification popped up in her visor: LHS 2412 A, M-Class Star. She heaved a sigh before turning her gaze back out into the black, leaning on the only railing keeping her from falling off the side of... well, now her fleet carrier. There was a feeling that she thought she'd feel, some kind of vibrant joy, especially after the countless trade runs done to earn this beast... but there was nothing like that to be felt. Instead all it was was all it ever was, the same old void of space, the thoughts in her head, and the multiple hundreds of tons of metal keeping them apart. Just... larger now.

She drew in a shallow breath, closing her eyes as she let the residual heat of that M-Class star wash over her body. The lack of shields was new at least. It gave the void a... tingly sensation, feeling like it was almost burning through the thinner parts of her Artemis suit. With a short spoken command, a note was made to reinforce the joints of the armor, to try and dull that sharp, pins-and-needles like sensation. The suit flashed a thermal warning, running long enough for a number of lights and sirens to go off before Stella could get her personal shields back up.

Her mind truly began to drift now, eyes fixating on a meaningless point of space before half-mumbling the words, unamused, "Look at me now..."
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