Cmdr Reiffis
Trader / Courier
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter 528-IC
Overall assets
Lavigny's Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Commanders Log 23/04/3307

23 Apr 2021Reiffis
Three weeks ago I made the biggest change in my life.

I had grown tired of flying around the galaxy, trading and smuggling. Out only for myself. After soo long you have seen the same stars and come across the same star ports.
So three weeks ago I decided to make a change. After reading numerous articles and watching news feeds. I decided to join Lavigny's Legion and actively help the Empire's struggles against those that would oppose the Emperor.

It feels good having a purpose beyond smuggling packages or carrying passengers to place to place.
I've heard little from some of my old friends and some nights I still wake up in a sweat, reliving the time I was left drifting in space.
At least now I am making a difference.

I need to make new allies in the stars. I need Commanders who I can sit down with at the end of the day and enjoy a laugh and a drink with.

Commander signing off
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