Logbook entry

Captain's log, Stardate 09.29.3309 : Following the alien encounter.

29 Sep 2023Ditrh Sanders
"Captain's Log, Stardate 09.29.3309.

Already two weeks since the events happened...

I can still feel it. The weight of what I witnessed. The horror. The Thargoids, their ships like razors cutting through space, leaving destruction in their wake. And us, just mere specks, trying to fight back. It's a losing battle, but we keep fighting. Because that's what we do. We cling to life, even when all hope seems lost.

But at what cost?

That's the question that haunts me now. At what cost do we continue this futile struggle? What is the point of it all? Is it just to survive, or is there something greater at play? Something worth fighting for?

I used to think so. I used to believe that our existence was meaningful, that we were part of some grand tapestry, that our actions had purpose. But now, I'm not so sure. Now, I wonder if we're just floating in an endless void, alone and insignificant.

And yet, despite my doubts, I find myself drawn to the stars. To the unknown. To the possibility of discovery, of finding something new, something that will give me answers. Answers to questions I didn't even know I had.

It's a siren call, that pull of the cosmos. A temptation to leave behind the familiar, the safe, and venture into the great unknown. To explore, to seek out new life and civilizations, as the old saying goes.

But is it wise? Is it foolish? Am I running away from my problems, or am I truly following my heart? My gut tells me one thing, my head another.

I don't have the luxury of time. The war with the Thargoids rages on, and I must make a choice. Do I join the fight, or do I follow my dreams? Do I stay, or do I go?

The universe waits for no man, they say. Nor does it care about our petty squabbles. It keeps moving, ever expanding, never stopping. And I, a small part of that vast expanse, must decide where my place is in it."

Signing off, Captain Sanders, Commanding Officer, Bungarus Snake FXDB55."
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