Logbook entry

Captain's log, Stardate 10.01.3309 : Something strange just happened.

02 Oct 2023Ditrh Sanders
"Captain's Log, Stardate 10.01.3309.

As I emerged from hyperspace into the embrace of the Springer Gateway station in the Senlu system, my trusty vessel, the Bungarus Snake, shuddered with anticipation. The familiar sequence of events unfolded before me like a well-rehearsed ballet - requesting permission to dock, navigating the landing protocols, and finally, the soft thud of the ship's landing gears touching down on the platform. It was all so routine, so predictable, that I could have done it blindfolded. Or so I thought.

But as I stepped off the ship and made my way to the payment office to collect my hard-earned credits, something strange began to happen. My vision blurred, my head spun, and my body felt weightless, as if I were floating in a dreamlike state. The next thing I knew, I was waking up with a pounding headache and an eerie feeling that something had just happened, but what?

I stumbled back to the controls of my ship, still groggy and disoriented. The receptors for the payment still lay untouched on the console, taunting me with their presence. Had I imagined it all? Was it some kind of hallucination brought on by fatigue or perhaps a side effect of the hyperdrive? I tried to shake off the feeling, telling myself it was just a weird glitch in the matrix, a temporary aberration in the fabric of space-time and get back to my occupation, get the credits hard-earned and go back home to get something to drink and sleep a.s.a.p.

As I lifted off from the station and pierced the veil of hyperspace once again, I couldn't shake the sense that it was a very weird experience... a way beyond my comprehension.

Signing off, Captain Sanders, Commanding Officer, Bungarus Snake FXDB55."
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