Logbook entry

Since the beginning

05 Jun 2022Z.o.n.i.c.
6 months have passed since I became a commander:


Main goal(s): to learn the basics and to help people and be a useful worker at multiple stations.

I learned the basics of being a commander. I was mostly doing courier jobs since it doesn't take cargo space. I bought multiple ships, but when I decided to leave the Pilots' Federation District, I sold every ship, except for my sidewinder. After I left the training zone, I began to work for a nearby station in Lauma, bought a diamondback explorer, and moved closer to Sol, my birthplace. This is when I started to care about politics. My new ,,home" became Bacon Port in the Gliese 868 system. Here I learned how to outfit my ship and I quickly became popular at the station.


Main goal(s): Get permit to Sol, meet a living thargoid.

Things were going fine. I bought a type-7 transporter and was able to do larger cargo missions. I made a lot of money and bought some new ships. I started to explore the bubble. I pledged to Zachary Hudson and began powerplaying. I tried doing various kinds of missions.

Thargoid mission 1: I ventured out of the bubble to Delphi and found my first thargoid. It was only a dead wreck sadly. I started to look for living ones when I found a thargoid base. I was excited, but also very afraid. I only took a look, then returned to the system's station. After more exploring, I found a distress call from an attacked capital ship. I visited it, and encountered 2 thargoid interceptors. I didn't know the variants back then, but I know that none of them was a hydra. I offered them a peace gift: a power generator (because why not). One of them took a look at it and then ignored me completely. They left me there. I rescued a fuelless pilot on the way back, and took 2 meta alloys home: one for an engineer, the other to sell.

I did missions till the end of the month and finally gained access to Sol.


Main goal(s): Build a good combat ship and an anti-xeno ship.

By this time 2 of my friends became commanders as well.

Thargoid mission 2: I returned to Delphi for some exploration and meta alloys for my friends. I bought a Krait Mk II and started to outfit it. One day, I've read the news about the thargoid attack at Gabia system. I quickly got into my dolphin and headed there to check it out and rescue people. During my final jump, I got interdicted by a thargoid interceptor hydra. Noone was hurt in the process. I rescued some people from the attacked station and found an attacked megaship as well. There were still survivors inside and I had to use hatch breaker limpets to set them free to be collected by their rescue team. I freed 75% of the escape pods when a thargoid interceptor appeared and started killing everyone. The best I could do was to flee, because my dolphin's cannon and beam laser wouldn't have caused too much damage in that thargoid. Suddenly, my systems shut down and I was helplessly floating in space, waiting for death. I got lucky, because the alien was distracted by the rescue ships with the escape pods in them and I was able to jump away. I lost nothing, but I do feel bad for the people I couldn't protect there. My hatred towards the thargoids grew stronger, I cannot resist the urge to get revenge. From this point, I'm mostly focusing on my T.H.O.K.S. (Thargoid Hunter Outstanding Krait Ship).

Guardian mission 1: I needed guardian technology for my anti-xeno ship, so I visited a few systems in the guardian territory with my diamondback explorer. I visited a total of 3 sites, had some trouble with the sentinels, but I collected enough data and material. Note: the guardian sentinels were weaker than expected, but suprisingly efficient.


Main goal(s): Finish the Anti-xeno Krait and kill an interceptor, make money for a fleet carrier.

At this point I decided that a fleet carrier would make my job a lot easier, however, 5B seemed like an unreachable amount of money. On the 3rd of april I only had about 40M, but with the help of my allies I reached 300M in a week and I spent half of it immediately. I bought a python for mining because I heard that mining missions pay a lot. It turned out to be true. I managed to get myself to 370M till the end of the month.

Thargoid mission 3: I didn't plan this mission. An opportunity came and I took it. On the 21st of April I've heard the news that 3 systems have been attacked by thargoids and I had to check it out. This time I had more confidence and entered an AX conflict zone in Sosong. I killed a few scouts but that was only the warm-up. An interceptor appeared. I managed to destroy a few hearts but I had to flee from multiple battles to avoid the destruction of my ship. But I did it. With the help of nearby pilots, we killed 2 cyclopses, but I had enough of combat zones so I started to fight them solo.


Main goal(s): Finish the Anti-xeno Krait, make money for a fleet carrier.

Hunting thargoids sure is a profitable job. When Salvation triggered their superweapon and the thargoids fled, I had about 900M credits and 44 interceptor kills and I was in the top 25% of Sosong's defenders. I also got that thargoid bobblehead which is one of the best things I put in my ships.

And then on the 19th of may, I decided to leave the comfort of my ships and do some missions on foot for the first time. I got myself into a lot of trouble and I failed many missions. But the feeling of salvaging wrecks and infiltrating enemy bases could not be replaced by anything.

The date was may 23 when I became a billionaire and I didn't stop there. I made 600M in 3 days! The fleet carrier is no longer an unreachable dream but a dream that will come true one day.


I am now sitting in my T.H.O.K.S. while finishing this recap of my experiences so far. My current goal is the same: grinding for a fleet carrier, while engineering this beautiful piece of metal around me. I'm planning to go out to Delphi again. Currently have 1.7B and I need much more. I'm also planning a 5000 Ly journey with one of my friends. I might build a good anti-human ship as well.

I wonder what the future will bring me...
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