Logbook entry

Their arrival

02 Dec 2022Z.o.n.i.c.
3308. November 29.
Sitting in my carrier, chatting with my brother who just became a commander 6 days ago. He goes off to the nearby starport to check out the shipyard, I stay and watch the stars as usual. I was waiting for THEM. To be clear I don't hate thargoids, but I am a human. I have a family to protect. And I'm willing to kill an army of bugs for them. I put millions of credits and hours of work into the Thargoid Advocacy Project. I delivered thousands of supplies for the Kingfisher, I even defended it from attackers, just because I wanted to hear a human-xeno conversation. Sure, I took part in the battle of HIP 22460, but I still had a little bit of hope for a diplomatic agreement...

Then the news came in. They arrived. I got into my ship and flew off. I wasn't interested in the battles, I wanted to see what Taranis really looked like. I got hyperdicted once, but at last I arrived in the system. I got that same sick feeling like last time. On my way to Taranis I found out that thargoids can interdict now. My weapons melted again, but I didn't want to fight anyway. I arrived at the cloud. It was too thick to see further than a few hundred meters. There were some star-shaped things, some kind of shards just floating around, and there was something really weird in the middle of the cloud. My scanner couldn't even estimate the distance. I was amazed and afraid at the same time. As I went deeper in the cloud, my ship began to corrode, so I had to turn around and leave the system. I was still curious and wanted to see more but my ship couldn't handle anymore. I'm currently heading to a nearby station to restock. I'll continue the exploration tomorrow, then I'll save some lives.

3308. November 30.
Still floating in space right next to the thargoid invasion. The molten guardian modules got through some cracks and I had to do some maintenance from the inside. I haven't slept in 25 hours - I'm exhausted. I'll sleep for now. Hope I'm safe here. It's quiet outside.

3308. December 1.
It's time! I called my carrier to Hariates system. I got some of my staff to prepare my Orca to do some rescue missions. I repaired my ship at a nearby system and started the hunt. I killed 3 Cyclopses and a few scouts today before starting the evacuating part. I took about 120 people to a rescue ship. Good thing I engineered my thrusters to outrun any thargoid vessel! Rescuing people feels just as good as I imagined it. Tomorrow, I'll continue.

3308. December 2.
Text transcribed from audio:
-This is your captain speaking, welcome aboard and...I'll plot the route while they bring the escape pods.
-Please do not damage the cabins. If anyone feels sick, there are paperbags under the windows.
-Sh*t... [inaudible] Does it see me?
-There seems to be an interceptor above the station...please keep calm! I think we are safe in the hangar.
-It's not leaving...
-This might be our chance.
-Everyone be ready for launch! We will attempt to leave the planet while the interceptor is distracted by the rescue ship!
-F**K! BRACE FOR [inaudible] DAMAGE!
-Under attack. Shields down.
[people yelling]
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︎7 Shiny!
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