Logbook entry

No Place Like Home

16 Aug 2022Prom3thean

This is surprisingly my first log, thought I'd make my thoughts known, especially after the stunning failure of Salvation in his grave of HIP 22460. While all of this was happening and concluding, I was making the rounds in Colonia, a 3 month trip, had my fair share of Black Hole encounters and nothing more than desolate loneliness.. especially all the way out there. Sometimes, an adventurer can have their limits met.

And I met mine. I originally came all the way out to this lonely region of space with my partner, my girlfriend, to assist her with assembling her top-of-the-line combat gear, although, that gear came at a cost, with how much greed was prevalent out there, we're lucky we even found enough parts by the end of our 3 month stay! Her gear is fully fitted now, and she looks like a mean killing machine with it. I feel jealous!

Even then, it was a 3 month stay with me yearning to leave. Even as soon as I got there, and no matter how beautiful it was, I can't find myself [i]wanting[i] to go there again, at least for now. It felt increasingly small every day I woke up and sat in the cockpit of my Diamondback, watching as the nearby Gas Giant eclipses my view. Though that's one thing I'll never forget, that view. It sticks with ya.

But now I'm home, plopped right in Igbo Kora, sitting watching a sunset eclipse my Diamondback right now and feeling relieved. My girlfriend and I returned home shortly this afternoon, and, to say the least, I shed a tear as soon as I jumped in, seeing the commuters fly by in Supercruise. Sometimes for you to reminisce of home, it'll take you until you're 22 thousand light years away. I missed you, Igbo Kora, I'm happy to be home.

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