Logbook entry

The Incoming Storm

15 Dec 2022Prom3thean
Where do I even begin? After the sudden Pilots' Federation Alert just a while ago, I wasn't expecting to have to be ready to mobilize at a moment's notice.

An audible sigh is heard 44 Lightyears, 44 Lightyears is how far Maelstrom Hadad will be arriving from my home system. The same home system my squadron is housed, we're.. worried, to say the least. I'm currently preparing my Alliance Challenger, (aptly named Cerberus) to defend Igbo Kora from what will possibly be a horde of Thargoids. Can't believe that I almost called them bugs.

Forgot to mention to you all, my squadron and I? Human-Xeno Connections? We're deeply Pro-Xeno, but.. we've been taking the fight to them, we will not let them take any more innocents. I won't let them take my people, they're counting on me, on us, for that. I sincerely hope that if, no when, the fight comes to our doorstep, that the Anti-Xeno Initiative will help us defend our home, even if our philosophies differ.

Well, that's all I can really think of to say. But, for you Commanders out there, get some good rest while you can, tomorrow is going to be rough. A long pause is prevalent until the recorder beeps, signifying the end of the recording.
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