Logbook entry


18 Jan 2023Prom3thean
+// Log Entry Start

+// [Date: 18.1.3309]
+// [Location: Palitzsch City Medical Wing, Igbo Kora]

Hey there Commanders, just writing in after a bit of a hiatus. Had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday, and fortunately after a rough night I am having a better morning. The bleeding is controlled and I have a few gauze pads with me right now, just in case. If you're asking, I got all 4 out, and I can't be any more glad they won't cause issues in the future.

The Medical Staff here are good people, just need to make sure I'll be able to competently fly again, but that's only a matter of time. Anyways, thanks for tuning in everyone who decided to read this, apologies for it being such a short post- Ohp, guess it's time to take some meds. Take care everyone, stay safe out there.
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