Logbook entry

Been A Minute

28 Jun 2023Prom3thean
Hey everyone, y'all might've noticed I've disappeared for a while. I can assure you while other matters had my attention, I am eager to say that I'm preparing to embark upon a journey. A journey of Solace, and Spectacle.

I am planning on going out to Colonia, maybe Sagittarius A* as well. I can say with the upmost confidence that I will bring some photos back home. The war has taken it's toll, I have little desire to fight an enemy that understands us as little as we understand them.

As an explorer I look deeply into things, and that includes both the starlight, the inky darkness, then the Thargoids and Guardians. And as a Field Researcher of Human-Xeno Connections, I will explore every avenue.
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